Sue Nicholls Blog
A New Project
I’ve have an exciting challenge for the New Year - my first solo exhibition in April of this year. The venue is the Artistsmeet Gallery at the Watersmeet Arts Centre in Rickmansworth.
GUNBY BLOG - Exhibition Open
Well, after months of making and planning the Collected, Captured, Cast Exhibition is open to visitors at Gunby Hall. I can’t believe it’s nearly two weeks ago that I travelled up to Gunby Hall in Lincolnshire, where Su France, Helen Wilde and I spent the day hanging work and making the gallery ready for visitors.
Subversive Stitch?
Well, after the excitement of my son's amazing GCSE results a couple of weeks’ ago, the last week of the holidays was meant to be a gentle easing back into the usual school routine. sorting out the school uniform, making sure the kids have lunch money etc, etc. However, it's not turned out that way.
Printmaking - a rekindled passion
I've been expanding my horizons over the past couple of months and rekindled an old passion of mine, for printmaking. Long before I discovered textile art, and still worked at the BBC in London, I enrolled on a printing-making evening class at Camden Arts Centre.